We believe in the power of the soil.
Healthy, living soil can change everything.
It starts below the soil
Soil has a living universe all its own. Conventional practices don’t always help that life to thrive. The same herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that we think are making crops stronger are crippling the living soil our crops and pastures need to survive.
Six Principles
We are proud to be guided by the experts at Understanding Ag. That’s why we keep the Six Principles taught at Soil Health Academy at the center of our practices.
Nutrient Rich Pastures
Better soil health means more nutritious forage. Within the pasture crop, a variety of nutritious heritage plants from the seed bank provide a rounded diet, including medicinals and minerals.
Healthy Grass-Fed Animals
More than just rotationally grazed, livestock at North River Ranch is managed in small adaptive grazing pastures, moved to fresh forage every day, and don’t return to the same pastures for nine months to a year. By grazing closely in a herd, the cattle are moving naturally and never overgrazing and depleting pastures.
It’s not the cow, it’s the HOW.
You may think that only plant based diets can contribute to drawdown. But without large grazing ruminants, like cattle, our soils will never have the chance to recover quickly and capture carbon. The symbiotic relationship between cattle and soil health is established science, pioneered by such regenerative luminaries like Allan Savory.